

Video by Ryan Klatt

Theatrical circus cabaret in Winnipeg, Manitoba 2015. Produced and directed by contortionist Samantha Halas. Video by Skymaker Films.

Luna Caballera's production of Kaleidescope.

Video: Norby Whitney with artists : Jorge Petit, Samantha Halas, Caroline Rochefort, Arnaud Attou, Noëmie Armellin, Yamoussa Bangoura, Marie-Claude Bouillon, and Alexie Maheu Langevin.

Musicians: Maieul Clairefond, Lyne Goulet, et Pavel Rendzov.

Horses: Orfeu, Ruby, Gareth, Orlando, King, Raoul, Shubert and Berlioz.

Excerpt from the Blacksmith's Ball, Winnipeg, Feb. 7 2014. Baba by Stephen Halas. Contortion by Samantha Halas. Mime by Joe Ackerman. Video by Ryan Klatt.

Video by Ryan Klatt at the Circus of Objects.


Appearance in Royal Canoe Video.